Retreat 26-28 April 2024

Dear Everyone, 

Thank you for being a part of this lovely Autumn retreat.
Thank you for your mindful meditation in the Compassion Hour.
Thank you so much for very good questions and diligent practice throughout the weekend.
Ven. Phra Mana, the volunteers and I feel it was a very positive retreat, and we are most grateful for your co-operation,
and especially to those who stayed back and helped to tidy the monastery at the end of retreat.
We love to have your feedback and suggestions and are always thrilled to hear about your personal experiences.
Now we understand the drop of attachment can be very delightful, because it means the end of emotional pain. we replace the 'self' with 100 % mindfulness and wisdom. 
We spent the whole weekend to kick start powerful & mindful breathing, now please keep the momentum. 
Adjust physical and verbal actions according to the mindful breath, so we can maintain calmness and happiness at all time.  
Again, you all look much better after a few days of ' body conditioner' practise. Please don't lose your 'diamond ring'. 
Please email if you would like a soft copy of the chanting book, and if you have taken any spectacular photos please feel free to share.
I have included the group photo, and there are some on Instagram, and many will be on our website shortly.
with metta,

Feedback 26-28 April 2024

Hi Kim, 


Thank you for the most amazing weekend.  I have yet to process everything that Phra Mana went through with us.  I can't believe how much we packed into so little time!


I had the most profound weekend and thought I'd send send some feedback while it is fresh in my mind.


Firstly - all the positives - the weekend was amazing.  The monastery is in such a wonderful peaceful location.  The retreat was incredibly well organised and the buildings and facilities were fantastic.  I loved the huts in the woods.  So tranquil - it was difficult returning home to the hustle and bustle of 'real life'.  The cleanliness of the huts and comfort was five stars.  I was warm and comfortable the whole time.  The bathrooms were modern and clean.  The sessions were all well run and covered everything and more!  I loved the variety of chanting, meditations, exercise throughout the day.


Now the negatives.  There were none from a retreat point of view.  What I did find during the weekend (and I'm sure you get this a lot) was that couples and groups couldn't stick to the silence rule.  While it is easy to move away to a quiet place, there were times where the chatters were at the fire which is where I wanted to be to get warm.  As the weekend went on and I got more into the silence, this chatter became more and more noticeable. I also found that Sunday became much more chatty and people were also using their phones.  I know you can't stop this, and maybe they had a valid reason, it's just disruptive to others who are taking the retreat slightly more seriously.


I don't know how you can combat this as you did mention this a few times during the retreat.  Maybe suggesting friends try their best to stay away from each other to avoid the temptation to talk, or if they have to talk, make sure they are not within earshot of others.  When doing gardening etc. on Saturday afternoon, perhaps suggest that friends do different jobs.  I appreciate that people need their phones as an alarm clock (that was the only time I used mine) but maybe suggest that people put them on airplane mode and leave them in their rooms.  There was an alarm that went off on Saturday morning when we were meditating in the library.  I found the Saturday evening medication very distracting with people shuffling, coats rustling, people walking out, people drinking water etc.  Again, I know you can't do much more than you already do, maybe add to the list of things to bring - clothes that don't rustle.


I think that's all.  Please pass on my huge thanks to Phra Mana for a very profound and thought-provoking weekend and also a massive thank you to the wonderful volunteers and their amazing cooked meals.  I haven't eaten such tasty food for a very long time!  Oh yes - if you are looking for ways to bring in extra income - Thai cooking classes, or putting together a recipe book of all the amazing dishes they created.  I would definitely buy that!!!


I will definitely be back for more retreats.


Many thanks again,



Hi Kim


Thank you for organizing this amazing weekend retreat, please also pass on my thanks for Ven. Phra Mana as well for his wisdom & guidance.


I’ve attached pictures from the retreat as well and would love to have a soft copy of the Chanting Book.


Thank you!



Hi Kim 


Thanks for your kind words and photo. I had an amazing retreat. 


Please pass on my thanks to Phra Mana as I did not get a chance to thank him personally. He is a Master teacher and knew exactly what I was thinking in my mind and answered all my questions through his talks - even though I didn’t say a word. He just knew! And was able to offer wise counsel and words of the Dhamma to help me in my practice. A genius teacher! He allowed me to find my wisdom without telling me… he guided me to ‘experience it’ and come to my own conclusions through the Dhamma… a true genius. And thanks for the journey 


Please thank all the volunteers who provided the most amazing food. Especially that green curry choko! I’ve never tasted anything so good or had choko (my fav) prepared on that way! So thanks so much 


Book me in for Autumn 2025! 



